Why leave a Gift in your Will?

Legacy gifts in wills are vital to Egmont’s work, enabling long-term support for our partners’ cost-effective interventions.

Each year, our partners deliver projects that reach thousands of children affected by HIV & AIDS. Each project is locally-driven and implemented by people who have lived through the effects of the HIV & AIDS epidemic, meaning that their responses and solutions are informed by their experience of what works best in their local context and communities. As a result, Egmont’s partners are able to achieve sustained improvements in child health, nutrition, access to education and treatment and provide the skills and training to families to sustainably provide for the children in their care.

Leaving a gift in your Will helps our partners, today and tomorrow, to reach more children affected by HIV & AIDS with their life-saving and life-changing interventions.

Sign up to receive your free Gifts in Wills Guide.

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How does a gift in your will help?

Egmont’s partners deliver many and varied interventions to improve the lives of children affected by HIV & AIDS. Click here to read some of their stories.

Alile's Story

Helped back into school by Egmont partner Kwithu Women's Group in Malawi. Click to read more.

Martha's Story

Helped by Egmont partner Kimara Peers to care for her orphaned grandchildren. Click to read more.

How to leave a gift in your Will?

Egmont understands the decision to leave a gift in your Will is deeply personal and special.

Leaving a gift in your Will is easy. When making or updating your Will, you just need to let your solicitor know your intentions. There is no obligation to let us know and you can change your mind at any time.

We recommend that you seek independent advice and have developed a free Gifts in Wills guide, which you can sign up for here. The guide provides more information to help you consider this decision in your own time.

Our guide includes advice on how to give in your Will, different ways that you can leave gifts, how your gift will leave a lasting impact for children affected by HIV & AIDS. Lastly, we outline our promise to you and how we will always respect your decisions in regards to your gift and ensure that it is used effectively and directed towards those most in need.

How Your Gift Helps


Helps 10 families introduce protein into their diet and generate income, paying for 2 rabbits, a cage and training on rabbit-rearing


Supplies 50 schools with irrigation equipment (hose-pipes, watering cans, rakes) to establish vegetable gardens.


Pays for a year’s school fees and shelter for 10 girls at risk on the streets of Lusaka


Buys enough maize, soya beans, wheat, sesame and millet, for the year, to prepare nutritious flour for 1,000 vulnerable children's households


Buys 10 industrial sewing machines to use in training 60 girls a year in dress-making


Facilitates access to medical treatment, counselling and monitoring the well-being of 500 HIV+ children.

Since 2005, Egmont has funded over 90 partner organisations in Africa, reaching more than 560,000 children and family members with grassroots solutions and innovations to the HIV & AIDS epidemic.